No gym. No Problem.

When I first had my son, my first thought was “I am so tired”, but also, “How do I get this extra baby weight off?”.

I couldn’t afford a gym membership or over priced workout programs.

I didn’t have a lot of time because my son wanted to be held 24/7.

I didn’t want to do a workout that lasted for an hour because, honestly, I was TOO tired and felt like I didn’t have any energy.

I wanted something that was fast and affective, but didn’t cost a lot of money AND didn’t take up a lot of time.

So if you fit any of those categories, I have good news for  you! I am going to share my three favorite workout programs/routines that you can do from home (some you can do at the gym too), so get excited!! 



I don’t know if any of you have ever watched The Biggest Loser, but Jillian Michaels was one of the trainers on the show and she is truly an inspiration. PLUS her workout videos work! They are usually only 20-30 mins and a lot of them are less than 6 dollars on amazon! What?? Below I am linking my top favorites (one included for my post- baby mommas). You can find all of these and more on amazon for less than 10 bucks!


2). SWEAT 


Created by Kayla Itsines (and a few others), this program is another one where you will see results quickly, it only takes 28 minutes, and its only $20 dollars a month. SO stop getting that Starbucks coffee every morning, save that $5 a day and use that money to reach your goals. This is a high intensity program for ANY level: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. The cool thing is, you can also choose your program: Bikini Body Guide, for weight loss; STRONGER, for toning and strength; and BAM (Body and Mind) Yoga, for flexibility and strengthening  your body and mind. Go check out their Instagram page SWEAT and see the before and after results. You will be amazed!

All you have to do is download the “SWEAT” app in your app store and the process is super simple! You will put in your goals and it will suggest a program for you based on those goals. The best part is the first month is free, so if its not for you, you have nothing to lose!


3). Orange Theory Fitness 


This next option is for those of you who can afford a gym membership and would like to see drastic results! I SWEAR by “OTF”! I saw the greatest results when I started going to Orange Theory. It is a 60 minute workout that consists of half cardio and half body weight (some weighted) exercises. No matter what level of fitness you are at, this is for you! If you need to lose 100lbs or more, tone up, or want to train, this is the place for you. You never feel intimidated because everyone is doing their own thing at their own pace. There is no pressure! Just do your best and, trust me, you will see results. I went to Orange Theory to train for a half marathon, to get “wedding ready” and to lose some excess baby weight. Whatever your goals, you WILL reach them at Orange Theory. Sign up for a free class at an Orange theory near you, its FREE!




  • Look up interval training. Every runner had to start somewhere! Start by walking 3 minutes, running 1 minute (or whatever time frame works for you) and repeat that for 20-30 minutes. Gradually build, start taking time off your walk and adding it to your run and before you know it you will be running for 30 mins straight!
  • Look up youtube videos if you can’t afford to buy the DVDS. Make sure they are created by someone reputable (you can typically tell by the quality) and never do anything that is physically putting you in pain. It should be challenging but not painful.
  • YOU WILL NEVER OUT WORK A BAD DIET! Before you put in all that hard work, make sure you are fueling your body properly. You will never see the results you want if you are still eating fried food and drinking sodas every day (everything in moderation).

Remember the journey is not always easy, but it will always be worth it! Work hard, try to be consistent, set goals for yourself, and don’t be so hard on yourself. Small steps still move you forward. 

Now go reach your goals!

With love,



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